In January of 2015, we received a phone call about a wounded horse that desperately needed a home. In faith, we went to God in prayer and His Holy Spirit began to move. With peace in our hearts, we headed out to go visit this horse. The wound inflicted on Spirit’s side was big enough to fit a fisted hand. He was very uncertain and high-headed, but as we began to pray next to him, he took a deep breath and his head dropped into a relaxed, submissive position. In that moment, we knew he was ours. To bring him home we had many obstacles to overcome. We reached out to the community asking for prayer and financial support and amazing things happened on a timeline only orchestrated by God. The unity that was felt through this chain of events can only point to our Heavenly Father. Spirit will always remind us of Ephesians 4:3 when God tells us to “Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”